
Zeiss LSM 510 MP
Laser Scanning confocal microscope
Two-photon imaging utilizing Coherent Chameleon femtoseocnd laser
Becker-Hickle fluorescence lifetime imaging module, FLIM

Leica SP5 Confocal Microscope
Leica SP5 laser scanning confocal, two-photon microscope
458/476/488/514 nm argon-ion laser, 543/633 nm HeNe laser
Two-photon imaging utilizing Coherent Chameleon Vision II femtosecond laser, 680-1080 nm tuning range
Spectral detection capability

Fluorescence Lifetime System
Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorocube
Time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and multi channel scaling (MCS)
280/370/450 nm LED nanosecond excitation sources

Luminescence Lifetime Measurement System
PTI/Horiba QuantaMaster 400
Steady state with Xenon flash lamp
Fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime measurements
370 nm picosecond laser, 350/450 nm nanosecond LED excitation sources

Picosecond Transient Absorption System
Hamamatsu streak camera
EKSPLA picosecond laser, OPG